Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions

When is Evolva reporting his financial results?
Upcoming events are listed in our events section.

When does the fiscal year ends for Evolva?
Evolva uses the 12-month calendar year, ending December 31, as its fiscal year.

Where can I learn more about Evolva financial results?
Information about our financial results, including the investor presentation, is available in the Investor section of the website, under financial data.

How can I get a copy of the Annual report?
You can consult and download a copy of the Annual Report in the Investor section of our website.

Where are Evolva shares traded?
Evolva shares are listed and traded on the SIX Swiss Exchange (CH1262055788, symbol: EVE) as well as in the form of American Depositary Receipts (DR ISIN US30050L1098, symbol: ELVAY) in the US.

How can I obtain information on your key products?
An overview of our key products is available in our product portfolio section.

Can I subscribe to receive Evolva press releases automatically?
We have a subscription form online where you can register to receive information. Each time something new is published, you will receive an alert by e-mail. To subscribe, click on the button in the footer. 

How can I obtain minutes of the Annual General Meeting of Evolva?
A summary in English of our Annual General Meeting (AGM) is available in our Annual General Meeting section.

How can a shareholder communicate a change of address?
Contact information can be found in the shareholder information section.